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Vuplex® Perspex® Cleaner

Vuplex® Perspex® Cleaner

Vuplex® is a suggested cleaning product for our Perspex® material.

Vuplex™ works in the reverse to abrasive cleaners by adding a fine layer of filling material that leaves the surface protected.  Anti-static properties also help to control build up of dust and abrasives.

Use VUPLEX® to safely clean your plastic caravan windows and plastic screens without damaging the substrate of your plastics as general household cleaners or polishes can do.  VuPlex® is designed to clean, polish and protect your surfaces for up to 3 months (depending on weather).  It's safe on plastic windows, interior and exterior plastic surfaces (taillights etc) and removes static on all surfaces.   Easy and time efficient please go to for more information for everyday use around the household and garage.

For more information on this product please contact us on 03 9558 0800 or email